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The Congressional Archive of
Senator Robert J. Dole & Senator Elizabeth H. Dole
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ERA In the Heartland: Ratification and Reconsideration in Kansas, 1973-1980.
Based on University of Kansas History and Journalism student Alexandra Haggar’s Honors thesis: “Rescind ERA: The Failed Efforts in Kansas to Rescind Ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment, 1973-1980.”
Elizabeth Dole Gallery and Reading Room.
What is a Congressional Archive?
A congressional archive houses political papers and records from a congressional member's time in office. The Robert and Elizabeth Dole Archives & Special Collections is one of the largest congressional archives outside of the presidential library system. We also house career papers, photographs and materials from other points in Senators Bob and Elizabeth Dole's lives in addition to their time in Congress.

Dole Archives Education Program
Lessons, workshops, and instructional materials created for the Dole Archives Education Program, which use sources from the Research Topic guides
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Senator Bob Dole