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Middle & High School


Legacy of a Leader

Field Trips

Explore one of the country’s largest congressional collections to learn about Congress, leadership, and the legacy of Senator Bob Dole. Primary source analysis of paper documents, photographs, audio-visual items, and museum objects highlight Dole’s 35-year career in public service. Focus on how government works, bipartisanship, and civic engagement.

• Group size 15-50 students at a time

• Brown bag lunch may be eaten on premises

• 1 - 4 hours of field trip programming

• Inquire about bus transportation scholarships!

Customize field trip experience with the following activity options:

Breakout! Archives Edition

A digital breakout, similar to an escape room, but based on the Dole Archives! Complete this fun pre-assessment before your visit.


Field Trip Activities

Choose from alternating activities:

30 minutes

a. Life of a Leader

How has Dole impacted you? In small groups, investigate the museum gallery and become experts on Senator Dole life and career. Whole group discussion follows to bring Dole’s biography to life.

b. Behind the Scenes

How do we preserve history? Special access to the stacks, where Senator Dole’s congressional collection is preserved.

c. Photograph Analysis

What can we learn from a photo? Strengthen analysis skills and discover the clues archival photos hold.

d. Stars & Stripes

How does your knowledge stack up? Race to answer trivia questions to obtain puzzle pieces that create a giant American flag.

e. Campaign Planning

What is your message? Learning from the experiences of Senators Bob and Elizabeth Dole, create a campaign poster or button inspired by the Dole Archives and brainstorm your mock political platform.

f. Constituent Letter Writing

What can you do? Contribute to the national or regional discussion by writing a letter to your representatives. Gather ideas from letters that students just like you wrote to Senator Dole.



45 to 90 minutes

a. Document Discovery

Analyze archival documents from Senator Dole’s congressional office to explore issues like the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, civil rights, or voting rights and the 26th amendment. Primary source analysis worksheets will guide students in researching their document and debate-style discussion highlights different viewpoints and the complex decisions Congressional leaders make.

b. Manuscript Box Training

Learn how to be an archivist! Learn the proper techniques for handling archival materials and even start your own research on Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) legislation. Other subjects available by special arrangement.

Contact Our Public Education Manager

Julie Clover

Julie Clover
Public Education Manager
Dole Institute of Politics